Technical Portfolio

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Project 1: Maroon Engine

I worked with about 15 other people from Aggie Coding Club to create a mini 2-D platformer type game from scratch, programmed with C-Style C++ where only Operator Overloading from C++ was used. It was intended for Windows x64 and the rendering was done using OpenGL. This project was very fun and despite the original goal to create a "game engine", we decided to just create a 2-D platformer showing off our programming skills. The part I helped developed in this project was the movement logic, having to test if the player could move to the next pixel or if there was a wall, and if there was a ground to move on, if not then the player would fall. Despite not winning anything for this project, I learned a lot about working with a team of programmers and I learned how to resolve conflicts and how to use Git early on!

Project 2: AGGIE Bot

I worked with 4 other people from diverse engineering majors to concept a bot that would automate farming in space for the Johnson Space Center 2022 Hackathon, placing 8th among 22 other teams. I created all the software design and theoretical database for the bot to store the biometrics of the plants the bot would care to. Since I was the oldest Computer Science major among the 2 other team members that were helping with the software, I was the "software" lead, designing the application that astronauts would use to access the plant database and being able to control the bot remotely if needed or changing any other necessary settings. This hackathon was a great time, as not only did I complete this project and bonded with some friends, but there was actually many cool events and swag that was also being held at the hackathon since it was sponsored by NASA. I attended a seminar about machine learning in space, and I even participated in a typing contest and won a cool NASA badge for being the fastest typer!